Questions about Companions
Does my companion need to have cross-cultural experience?
Not necessarily. As we listened to others who have had success using Returning Well, we discovered that the most vital elements of a companion are:
Does my companion need to also purchase a copy of Returning Well to serve as a companion?
Everything your companion needs is provided in the article “Serving as a Returning Well Companion” found at the back of Returning Well or available through download here with the password provided in Returning Well. However, your companion may still want his or her own copy of Returning Well to gain further understanding of the topics presented in each section. |
Questions for Getting Started
When should I start Returning Well?
For most returnees, the best time to engage Returning Well is
Everyone is different, but many have found it most successful to begin their Returning Well engagement between the second and sixth month after their return. Other signs that you might be at a good point to begin is when:
I came back almost a year ago, is it too late to engage Returning Well?
It is not too late. Others have successfully engaged Returning Well anywhere from a few weeks to a year after returning to their primary culture. Re-entry is not linear or predictable. Some people will feel the effects of re-entry right away, but for others, the effects of re-entry may come several months after returning. It may be that you may not recall certain details as well and certain questions may not feel as pertinent (and in that case you will want to give yourself generous permission to skip non-resonating questions). But, you will still likely find value in engaging Returning Well if your heart’s desire is for a thoughtful reflection that leads to meaningful action steps forward. Where can I buy or rent the movie, Cast Away? provides instant video as well as Blu-ray and DVD for purchase. Other options may include Google Play and the like. Depending on where you live, also check with your local public library. My book appears to be misprinted; what should I do?
We want you to experience Returning Well in its best form, and we apologize for the issue you are experiencing. If you purchased Returning Well through Amazon, please notify Amazon of the manufacturing defect, and request a replacement. If you purchased Returning Well in bulk through this website, please contact us concerning the defect. Again, we apologize for any inconvenience. |
Questions About Using Returning Well
Can I use Returning Well for a Home Assignment or Sabbatical?
Many cross-cultural servants have benefited from engaging Returning Well during their home assignment, furlough, and Sabbatical. The key to getting the most out of your engagement of Returning Well during this time is ensuring that you engage the debriefing portion early enough during your home assignment/furlough/sabbatical. For most, there comes a point in time during home assignment when you internally switch from wanting to reflect on the previous season of life to desiring to prepare for your upcoming transition back. Your engagement of Returning Well is most valuable when you have completed at least the first four meetings of Returning Well before that internal switch occurs. |
"Returning Well helped me remember that I wasn't the only one going through re-entry shock, and the questions helped me process when I couldn't always get to the bottom of my feelings by myself. |
Is your question not answered here?
Please contact me, I’d be happy to personally answer your question.
"I knew when I returned that my life had been drastically changed but I didn't know where to begin. The questions in Returning Well gave me a place to begin and were great springboards to dig deeper into some issues that I was surprised to uncover. I would highly recommend this to anyone returning from life in another culture."
- E.F.., cross-cultural sojourner who used Returning Well in her return from Asia
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